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Effectively Managing Your Time as an Entrepreneur

One of the toughest parts of becoming an entrepreneur is learning how to manage your time effectively. Some entrepreneurs who are just starting out have problems figuring out how to get things done in a timely fashion. There are even many small business owners who put...

Why Better Business Bureau Reviews Still Matter

Once upon a time, the Better Business Bureau was a standard by which businesses were measured, and businesses knew it. They sought good reviews and knew how important it was to secure them. Today, SEO articles and evaluations rule the web. Even so, even in the SEO...

Tips for a Steady Startup Cash Flow

If you are thinking of starting a startup company, one of the biggest stumbling blocks can be the question of how you are going to secure the necessary cash flow to get started. You know that you need to spend money to make money, but unfortunately, knowing something...

Strategies for Business Growth

It is fair to say that there are few principles that are more deeply embedded within the overarching ethos and ideology of business and capitalism than growth. The nature and consequences of growth-centric thinking have been much discussed over the centuries, but for...

How Automation Can Help Small Businesses

When you are a small business, you need every little advantage you can get. You’re placed in a David versus Goliath battle against the mighty conglomerates. You need to find some way to remain competitive to avoid the seemingly unavoidable fate of being bought out and...