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Dan Idhenga Startup Cash Flow

If you are thinking of starting a startup company, one of the biggest stumbling blocks can be the question of how you are going to secure the necessary cash flow to get started. You know that you need to spend money to make money, but unfortunately, knowing something and being able to transform that knowledge into a cash flow are entirely different things. Thankfully, with these tips, you’ll be able to rethink startup business cash flow quandaries in a more comprehensive way.

Prepare a Safety Net

For starters, you need to make sure that you have a safety net in place. That means making sure that you have money set aside for when things get difficult. Not if – when. There are times in every startup’s young life where the money is tight due to lean sales, growing pains, expansion woes, or any number of other issues. You don’t want to be forced out because you’re overdrawn, so set aside money to act as a shield in these times.

Take Out a Startup Loan

You’ll also want to consider taking out a startup loan. Many lenders online, as well as traditional banks, offer special services for startups. Just be sure to read the fine print and know exactly what you’re agreeing to before you sign on the dotted line.

Emphasize Liquid Assets

In the early days of your startup, chances are there is going to be a lot of fluidity and turnover. That’s true of your pool of assets and resources as well. You will, therefore, want to make sure that you have lots of liquid assets on hand so as not to tie up valuable capital in fixed assets you can’t liquidate in time to be useful during a cash flow crisis.

Profit Versus Cash Flow

Last, but not least, you need to make sure to distinguish between cash flow and profit. You need the revenue that powers your company’s day to day operations to be at least somewhat different from the changeable amount of money you garner from the ups and downs of business.

With these factors in mind, you’ll be able to improve your startup’s cash flow.